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LustfulAvidity contest comes to an end!

    OctoberSpree  has ended!!!
My wicked eye has spy    "The Killer Game!"

Gravel Road into the Forest

This year YOU will have to raise Hellfire in all its barbaric desire

         OctoberSpree  and the killer game, I invite all to rejoin us Next year! Oct 1st-Nov 01st 2024 dates may vary!

The Killer game...

The Object of the game


I have chosen two profiles by carefully picking through sections that would match the precise victims, You(player) must pick the correct two profiles and victims to match and have it match my own. At the end of the game their will be three chosen winners, whoever can choose correctly to my own,  wins!


    The Killer Game has ended, Join Us next year!

we have two styles of MUGS, the third style is for the select few, Our new location is set deep within the mountains, as the forest falls silent as the dead, so does the dead stand amongst the trees!  I will be announcing soon that start date!!

Go MUG a stranger, MUG a friend, MuG a family member, if you see a miserable person Go MuG them!


                    Lustful Avidity ~OctoberSpree

    -Game rules,      Added new rule~ I have chosen two killers ~in spirit of the sequel to Lustful Avidity i have chosen two killers instead of one, Have fun!


Welcome to OctoberSpree

The game will start October -- through November --, by choice of the fans the dates can be extended.

The game is based off a point system which are divided into two that make up this point system:

One-time points:

Completing a task which gives you points, its usually just one time.


one must write a review of any of the three excerpts on the website.

Add yourself as a friend or member will give you three points

Filling out the questionnaire is five points.

Leaving reviews is three points-facebook, twitter, website 3points per site

Multiple-time points:

You may complete a task multiple times to aid in accumulating points.


Commit on Lustful avidity’s Facebook or/and website,

Adding likes to commits, actively replying to game related clues, replying and liking twitter(game related) subject matter.

I will give updates to stats during the game, I will offer clues and their will be surprises during the game that will be announced during this time.

Final and only one submission:

By email or submission card you still have the option to complete multiple-time points to gain more points before the 5th of November/or final date of game.


The game

First part, you must choose a killer type, and a victim; (remember you are trying to match my own choices)

Second part, you have personality clusters one for the killer and one for the victim, there are various to choose from, but you must choose one type for the killer and another for the victim (keep in mind, you are trying to pick ones that I would have chosen)

Third part you must choose between killer type(s) and intensity.

Forth part you must pick out the location for points then the distance is the second set of points added.

Fifth part you must choose weapon for one set of points and complexity for the second set of points.

Sixth part you must choose if torture was involved, if so what intensity for points.

Seventh part, you must choose a profile of the killer type, and severity

Eight part, you must choose the type of victim by each of the groups and career is open to allow you to freely choose the correct one.



                                                                                                     Have a killer October!!!

Prized Parts

First Dismemberment


First place will receive 500.00 U.S. dollars sent to you with a signed copy of a new copy of Lustful Avidity for the killing art.

A Killer Mug

Second Dismemberment


Second place will receive 250.00 U.S. dollars sent to you with a signed copy of a new copy of Lustful Avidity for the killing art.

A Killer Mug

Third Dismemberment


Third place will receive 50.00 U.S. dollars sent to you with a signed copy of a new copy of Lustful Avidity for the killing art.

X-frayed content

Updates each week

Check in each week for a new clues

share with us a new body part

New Location

Find out where we will be.

where there is a keyhole there is way, there is in one day, we can play, where and what am i?

Extra Credit

Body parts-gain extra points by completing tasks.

1.) i have said it before and will again, a sea locked by the forest, a place where writer's block dies, only in the pages of history~where am I???

Added content

announcements of new content

Choose Multiples, ones with (*) are the multipliers in section of torture. 


similar content new position

Last stab

extension if it were...

The Killer Game

A Killer

The Player must choose a killer type

1-7 points are as followed, also must choose severity across.


The Player must choose a location, (1-5) (6-10) (11-15), also must choose a distance

The Weapon

The intent is down, the intensity is across, each has its points respectively.

The Torture

this is defined as type(down) and intensity(across) also crossover of two or more.

A K-set

​you the Player get to choose several segments to make a complete K-set, this makes up the childhood developmental profile of the killer

A Cluster

​you the Player must choose a cluster type of the killer.

Choose your victim

you the Player must choose your victim type by several attributes(down) and their correlating complexities (across).

Enter OctoberSpree
who is your favorate charactor in Lustful Avidity for the killing art

Thanks for submitting!

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